Overhead of improvements


Donating to the Fall Line supports Sports Backers’ work to lead the advocacy, inspiration, and coordination efforts to build this world-class trail.

From leading study trips with our regions leaders to producing local community events, hiring expert consultants to develop signature trail plans to implementing public art and landscaping, trail development requires resources.

Thank you for your tax-deductible contribution to this vision of a transformational trail.

Where do funds go?

Your donations go towards navigating the complex process of creating a public use, multi-jurisdiction trail and trail features such as:

Paving and Materials

Public Art


Iconic Bridges

Upgrading Underpasses




Comfort Stations

Bike Repair

Multi-modal Hubs

Passive Parks

Green Infrastructure

Sites for Learning

Pop-Up Spots

Gateways and Access Points

Play Spaces

Trail Spurs

Alternate Routes